Toot Your Own Horn!!📯🎊
“You should always celebrate your successes because someone else will celebrate your failures”-N. Tennant
I was recently working with a client who achieves a lot and often does not take the time to celebrate her accomplishments. We were talking about how important it is to stop and acknowledge our achievements, and she was able to recognize that she had a belief that “tooting your own horn” was not acceptable. She had learned this from a parent who saw it as bragging, arrogant, and maybe even a little narcissistic. Fast forward several years, and she has created so much magic in her personal and professional life, yet does not take the time to celebrate it.
She is not alone; many of us struggle to have our own backs, approval, or celebration because we are socialized to believe it is cringy and not polite. Slowing down enough to take stock of everything we have done, especially something hard or out of our comfort zone, lets our brain know that doing hard things is beneficial. It motivates us to do it more and leads to greater fulfillment.
People display arrogance or narcissism when they use their accomplishments to elevate themselves and try to look better than other people. We all have such special zones of genius, and when we are courageous enough to work with that genius and do something hard, celebrating it is essential. It also serves as an expansion for other people to do the same. When I first heard my coach be proud of her accomplishments, it seemed so foreign and weird, but she has been an expander for me, thus permitting me to celebrate my success.
I teach a lot on how to embrace feminine energy, and one special practice is the next time you complete a big project or do something out of your comfort zone, slow down enough to acknowledge it first by yourself and then with others. This will motivate you to want to do this more in the future, leading to greater self-love and fulfillment. You will also be able to acknowledge and celebrate others when they are stepping into their achievements.
Go out and toot your horns, my friends! Not because you are better than someone else but because we should all celebrate our uniqueness in this world.
If you struggle to do this or any other issue I have written about, I invite you to schedule a connection call with me to learn more about the power of 1:1 coaching.