Trying on new beliefs
"I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was" -Muhammad Ali
I was recently asked to give a talk to a group of young girls on happiness. Towards the end of the talk, the organizer asked me to teach them something that I wished I would have known when I was a teenager. The one thing I taught them was that you can believe whatever you want to believe about yourself. You can decide that you are beautiful, that you are smart, that you are amazing. No one has the power to take that away from you no matter what anyone says. Even if they tell you not to, you still can believe it. In addition to this I taught them that your beliefs will determine what you create. One girl raised her hand and asked me “So I can create whatever I want to create if I believe I can?” YES! The answer is always YES! In order to create anything, you must first create thoughts and then believe those thoughts. Why didn’t anyone teach me this?
In order to decide what you want to believe, you first have to learn how to imagine a future you want. You must visualize this possibility.I had the girls close their eyes and let their minds create visions of what they wanted to create. I told them that sometimes our brain will start to doubt that this can happen and sometimes we visualize impossibility. The key is to allow yourself to visualize yourself doing and having the future you desire. Once you master this then you must practice believing it. For many of us this is very uncomfortable so we abandon this new belief and stay comfortable in our current state. These girls went for it, imagining big bold futures ahead. Many of them referenced strong, powerful, creative women that they know and wanted to emulate, my heart swelled.
If you want to believe something new that you don’t believe yet, you must remember that new thoughts become new beliefs. A belief is just a thought you have practiced - one it feels so familiar you don’t question it. For many of us, these beliefs are dream killers. Some of us believe we are not smart enough, not capable enough, or not worthy enough. When you want to believe something new and more powerful, you have to decide to intentionally think the new thought and practice it over and over again until it becomes comfortable. I have my clients try on new beliefs like new sweaters. They try on new thoughts that I give them or that we create together and they walk around wearing them. Here are 4 steps to believing something new about yourself:
1). Visualize it- Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the future that you have created
2). Create a sentence in your mind
3). Accept it as your new norm/as truth
4). Practice it daily
Visualize your future
I want to remind all of you to choose to believe that you are amazing and worthy of love. Believe that you can lose the weight or stop overdrinking. Believe that you can have the most fulfilling relationships and super successful businesses. Believe in the future that you will create. Everything you have in your life now is a reflection of your current beliefs, so try on a new set of beliefs and watch your life take off.
Hire me as your life coach and I will have you trying on some big bold beliefs to take your life to the next level.
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