As a shy girl growing up in the 80’s, I really wish that cultivating my practice of going within was promoted more. I realize now that I outsourced most of my decision-making externally.  I took the opinions from teachers, priests, parents, and friends over my own, leading me to constantly defer to others for minor things, like where to go to dinner, to major life decisions, including where to go to college, rather than trusting myself to know this.

In personal development containers, we call this self-sourcing. Self-sourcing can be defined as the ability to take care of ourselves and to “source our own needs from within.”  Early in my professional career, I relied heavily on the techniques and methods of my mentors and looked up to them as the reigning authority for what was right and wrong. I ran my private practice very similar to theirs and wondered why I didn’t feel fulfilled.

When I became a coach and entrepreneur, I had to learn how to go within and tap into my inner wisdom and creativity to produce the programs I thought would be helpful and create the results my clients craved. For the first time, I didn’t want to solely rely on how my mentors created and conducted themselves within their businesses; I wanted to find out for myself.

When I became a coach and entrepreneur, I had to learn how to go within and tap into my inner wisdom and creativity to produce the programs I thought would be helpful and create the results my clients craved. For the first time, I didn’t want to solely rely on how my mentors created and conducted themselves within their businesses; I wanted to find out for myself.

Instead, I encourage you to regularly check in and make sure the environment you are working within feels supportive, and your mentors are encouraging YOU to go within to come up with ideas and self-source.

In addition, I would ask you to spend equal if not MORE time listening to your thoughts, ideas, and opinions to balance out all that you consume from others. So many of us are listening to podcasts, audiobooks, and articles written by others, which is amazing, but are you making time to listen to your thoughts, and ideas, to see what preferences YOU HAVE?

If not, turn off that podcast and go for a walk with yourself, listen to what YOU have to say, journal, meditate, and go within. What comes from that will be truly magical and unique to you, and the world needs it. Don’t take my word for it ☺

If you would like some support with this or any other issue in your personal life feel free to reach out or connect with me here.



Melanie Shmois, MSSA, LISW-S

Licensed social worker, holding a Master’s Degree (MSSA) from Case Western Reserve University and a B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Spanish. After spending 2 decades helping others achieve their mental and personal goals, I worked with Master Coach Instructor, Brooke Castillo, and became a certified Life and Weight Coach through the Life Coach School. I am also an Intuitive coach and Shadow integration Master.


What will you do with the last half of the year?


Abundance Series Part 2 🡪 An Abundance of Time Adaptations