Life Coaching Tips & Inspiration
- Career Coaching 3
- Cognitive Psychology 128
- Emotional Mastery 196
- Energetics 1
- For Athletes 8
- Goal Setting 3
- Holiday Stress 1
- Intuition 33
- Journal 13
- People Pleasing 1
- Personal Growth 6
- Professional Development 5
- Self-Care 1
- Spirituality 33
- Stress Reduction 1
- Thought Work 162
- Weight Loss 41
- Women in Business 3
- Work-Life Balance 2
I Had It All Backwards – Results Don’t Create Feelings
A significant aspect I had wrong or backward before becoming a coach was the belief that I would feel certain once I achieved a desired outcome.
The Perils of Rushing
Many of us have been socialized and praised for going fast. Whether it is a track race, finishing a test, losing that last 10 pounds in a week, or making money, we glorify how speedy one can be in accomplishing the task.
Big Moves - Big Feelings
I have come to realize as a coach that the bigger goal someone has, the bigger the negative feelings that he, she, they has to interact with.
What will you do with the last half of the year?
At the beginning of January, we are excited and motivated by the new year, empty planners and vision boards to write down all that we want to accomplish in the upcoming year. However, slowly, the newness rubs off, and we get busy and forget.
Looking Up To Everyone Else
As a shy girl growing up in the 80’s, I really wish that cultivating my practice of going within was promoted more. I realize now that I outsourced most of my decision-making externally.
Meet Your Author!
Transformational life coach helping high performers create their definition of success, happiness, and balance so they can feel fulfilled in all areas of their lives.